
Assignment – Mortgage Adviser Course

Assignment Submission Policy

Here are the rules for submitting an assignment:

  1. Your assignment must have a Cover Page containing:
  • The course title
  • Your full name
  • Your Email ID
  • Your contact number
  1. The total word count of the total assignment must be within 1000 to 3000
  2. The answers of the assignment must be written by you using your own words. Copying from the course materials and the web is strictly prohibited and can result in failing the assessment.
  3. All assignments must be submitted in MS Word file. The following main format is required for all assignments:
  • Heading————Font Style: Arial Black; Size: 12pt
  • Body Text———-Font Style: Arial; Size 10pt
  • Paragraph———-1.5 Line Spacing.

Additional formatting may be at the discretion of the learner.

  1. No assignment will be accepted and evaluated if it does not comply with the above rules.

Assignment Questions:

Total Marks: 100

(The numbers in the brackets indicate the mark for each question)

1. What are the types of death? Write down the purpose of verification of death. (4+6=10)

2. What is Physician-assisted dying? Mention the legal uses of death verification. (3+7=10)

3. Describe the procedure of Nurse verification of an expected death. (10)

4. Define “natural death.” How can peptic ulcers cause persistent blood loss and medical complications? How does Hemochromatosis occur? (2+4+4=10)

5. Discuss the types of “accidental death.” How do you conduct the scene considerations in a suicidal death? (4+6=10)

6. What is the equipment required to verify a patient’s death? Mention the preparation process before verification. (3+7=10)

7. Discuss Forensic Nursing theory.” Identify the ethical issues related to forensic nursing. (3+7=10)

8. Mention the speciality of forensic nursing. Discuss how forensic nurses contribute to the death investigation. (4+6=10)

9. Categorise the manner of death. How can a health practitioner clinically assess a dead person? (4+6=10)

10. What is a death certificate? Point out the purpose of the death certificate. How can you collect physical evidence? (2+4+4=10)

Note: All the answers to the assignment questions must be compiled in a single MS Word file and submitted through the below “Submit Your Assignment” button.

Submit Your Assignment
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