Course Highlights
Do you want to be able to influence and persuade people? Do you want to be able to get what you want in life? If so, then this course is for you! In this Social Skills course, you will learn the 10 most powerful social influence techniques, including the social proof effect, the Zeigarnik effect, the reason effect, the consistency effect, the talk about them effect, the hard-to-get effect, the similarity effect, the large request effect, and the reciprocity effect.
Our course, “Social Skills: How To Gain Influence & Persuade People”, is tailored to guide you on this journey. You will be introduced to the key principles of social influence and the psychological effects that underpin it, such as the ‘Social Proof Effect’, ‘Zeigarnik Effect’, ‘Reason Effect’, and many others.
Whether you are a professional looking to enhance your interpersonal skills or someone interested in the fascinating world of human behaviour, this course will provide valuable insights and skills that can be applied in many scenarios, both personally and professionally. Start your journey towards becoming a master influencer today!
Learning outcome
- Understand the fundamental concepts of social influence and persuasion.
- Gain knowledge on various psychological effects that underpin social influence.
- Develop strategies to harness these effects and persuade others effectively.
- Build confidence in your ability to influence others in various situations.
- Develop a deep understanding of the different facets of persuasion.
Course media
Why should I take this course?
- Enhance your ability to influence and persuade others in various situations.
- Develop a strong foundation in social influence and its underlying principles.
- Gain knowledge on psychological effects that underpin social influence.
- Build confidence in your ability to apply these principles in real-life scenarios.
- Cultivate strong interpersonal skills that are crucial for success in any profession.
Career Path
- Sales Representative
- Marketing Manager
- Public Relations Specialist
- Human Resources Manager
- Negotiation Consultant
- A keen interest in understanding human behaviour and social dynamics.
- A willingness to actively participate and apply the concepts learned.
- No prior knowledge or experience in psychology or social science is required.
Course Curriculum
What is it?00:03:00
How to use the power of SOCIAL PROOF to INFLUENCE people00:03:00
What is it?00:08:00
How to use the power of ZEIGERNIK EFFECT to INFLUENCE people00:04:00
What is it?00:02:00
How to use the power of REASON EFFECT to INFLUENCE people00:03:00
What is it?00:02:00
How to use the power of CONSISTENCY EFFECT to INFLUENCE people00:05:00
What is it?00:03:00
How to use the power of TALK ABOUT THEM EFFECT to INFLUENCE people00:03:00
What is it?00:02:00
How to use the power of HARD TO GET EFFECT to INFLUENCE people00:04:00
What is it?00:01:00
How to use the power of SIMILARITY EFFECT to INFLUENCE people00:04:00
What is it?00:03:00
How to use the power of LARGE REQUEST EFFECT to INFLUENCE people00:03:00
What is it?00:03:00
How to use the power of RECIPROCITY EFFECT to INFLUENCE people00:04:00
14-Day Money-Back Guarantee
Duration:1 hour, 3 minutes
Access:1 Year
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